Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dayton's CW Halftime Report...

Hey all!
This past week has been an absolute blur! Since making the semi-finals of the Dayton's CW Star Contest (read previous post for deets!), my life has been consumed with the competition.

Last week after they made the announcement, all of the finalists and semi-finalist met at the CW studios in Dayton to take the next step in the process to find THE Dayton's CW Star.

We gathered, mingled, laughed, and had a slight undertone of attempt to sound cooler than one another in conversation. Expected, right?

We all got headshots taken for the website... check out cha'girl!

Then we were told we had to give a plea for the camera for the station to put up online to act as a regulator for votes, and as a result, to act as the decision to choose the 10th finalist.

GIVE IT A WATCH.... (or 700 ha)

Bottom line, whoever has the most views of their video and moves to the finals and still has a shot to become... the FIRST DAYTON's CW STAR! (awkward reality show tagline intended)

Because of this, I've been networking and trying to get friends and family to watch my video to the point of sheer exhaustion and annoyance. I've been BLOWN AWAY by how many people are not only giving my video a quick view, but are continually keepin my vid on repeat to help rack up the votes. It's so humbling and exciting! In addition to that, my boss at work gave my co-workers and I the go-ahead to vote as we make calls all day, so that has DEFINITELY helped me raise numbers! We have it down to a science... Bill Nye would be jealous.

With that said, all free time has been converted to voting time (even as we speak...), so that's the reason for the lack of bloggage in the past week. It's to a point when I'm not home I'm like "ok, how fast can I get out of here to get back to it?" It's sad. But hey, I'm in this thing.... it's a great opportunity, I'm gonna give it all I have.

As of Wednesday night, I was in the top 5 (no order I believe). If I hadn't been in top 5, it might have been worth giving up because with all the people I know voting, and in what volume, people would have to be cheating by having a computer automatically vote or something. Ah geez... this is crazy.

And again, for those of you out there voting for me, I truly can't thank you enough for your support! It's insane what you all are doing for me and it means a lot! You better believe if I win it all, the first thing I'm doing is throwin a LEGIT party and showering you all with food and entertainment or whatever in thanks!

I can't do it without ya!
The voting goes thru the 20th!!
Keep prayin! Keep play-pushin'!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Face of Dayton's CW?

I seem to have this odd ability to get caught up in spontaneous situations... whether it be meeting LA Laker and Dancing with The Stars Icon Rick Fox in the Bahamas and accidentally bringing up his ex-wife and Ugly Betty star, Vanessa Williams, getting hit by a car while walking on a sidewalk in Australia, making friends with a NYPD-er and being escorted to a good spot in Times Square for NYE, or one of the more random, having call me and ask me to apply to be Alicia Keys' head blogger for where I ended up becoming a quarter-finalist.

I have one to add to the ever-growing list of antics and adventures.

Last week, I was sitting in Miami Valley Hospital chomping on Chipotle (which is undoubtedly the best thing you can ever consume) as I was waiting for my best friend, Chelsea to get out of an appendectomy. I sat in the cold waiting room dividing my time between making up ridiculous reasons for why my waiting room compadres were... waiting, and watching my girl, Tyra Banks interview some women who had habits and cravings of eating anything from toilet paper, laundry detergent, and even the scabs off their head. Yea... at that point, my obsession with and the frequency of my consumption of Chipotle didn't seem that drastic.

All that to say, at a commercial break my eyes were drawn to an explosion of lime green and opportunity in the form of an open audition to be "THE DAYTON CW STAR." They said they were looking with someone with "charisma, style, and swagga" to be the face of the station. I was intrigued. How could I not? For those of you who know me, you know how accurately they were describing me :-)

Now, for those of you who may not know me... I promise, I'm not one of THOSE people who just see a random shot at "15 minutes of fame" and show up, streamers flyin' and guns blazin' to try and get some attention, but for whatever reason I felt like I needed to be at that audition.

After leaving the hospital (Chelsea's disgruntled appendix was successfully removed, if you were concerned), I spent the next 2 days contemplating going. Some unfortunate scheduling and paperwork issues almost kept me from going, but I couldn't get over the voice saying "GIRLLLL, whatcha got to lose? It's not like you're afraid to talk to people!" I couldn't argue with that stellar sense of reasoning, and Saturday morning Charmaine and I headed out to the Greene.

I was the 4th person to infiltrate the army of lime green shirted staff in The Funny Bone's showroom. As I entered in and stood on an oversized green chicken pock on the floor in front of a groovy little backdrop, I prepped for my little "1 minute plea." The website had suggested we plan a speel and as a university speech instructor, I understand the importance of hitting your time limits. They didn't seem as concerned as one of the smiling judges stopped me about 40 seconds in (I told you I prepped), and said "So you know I have ask me some moves." I had in my blurb alluded to the fact I am a dancer and choreographer but didn't necessarily expect to be asked to prove it. Not that it was a problem... I quickly broke into a piece of "Thriller" and then did a little "Whip My Hair" type moves. See me on the highlight video!

They laughed. Of course. I'm entertaining :-)

After doing a quick liner for the cameras touting "I am Daytons CW First Star!" I headed to the exit where the staffer holding the door was still chuckling and said "That was fantastic!"

Then it was over. As quickly as it started. Leaving me to wonder how it went.

That's until this evening when my phone started singing "Strongerrrr that yesterdayyyy" and I saw an unknown number. I picked it up and received a greeting from 2 screaming individuals. My response? "And who is this?" (Maybe I should have been more coy... enh, not a trait I have...) It was DaytonCW informing me I was one of 25 semi-finalists. From my understanding, that means I compete online for votes with them to fill the final "finals" spot.

What does this mean? I may soon become THAT person who is excruciatingly throwing out pleas for online votes and showing up hardcore in your mini-feed. Yah, annoying I know... but I mean, this could be cool.

I am a fan of spontaneity... so here's to the next right hook in my fight against a mediocre life :-)