Thursday, May 6, 2010

Post-Grad Precariousness...

Precarious: \pri-ˈker-ē-əs\ 1. dependent on uncertain premises
2a : dependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments b: Characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger

Here I am. An adult.

I've spent my first few education-free days reminiscing on the good times as I decorate my house with favorite pictures, start to organize for a summer of scrapbooking, and am finishing work on the yearbook. In addition to that, I've been taking some time to really reflect on what I wanna be doing. I can honestly say that while 90% of those who just graduated with me are probably bummin' it out on the couch watching movies or laying poolside, the lack of activity has been driving me crazy. Even though I have had work, as I sit here now and watch "Princess and the Frog" (tehe), I can't even focus. I just want to be ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING. Don't get me wrong, I can loooove downtime of a pure lackadaisical nature, but never for too long.

Right now I just feel like I am on this tightrope stranded between 2 certainties. One, my college lifestyle. As great as it was, and as much as I'd like to stay close, I feel as if I have to continue on and that, just like an old school nintendo game, you have to keep moving to the right... there is NO going back. (Oh man, nintendo... thats the STUFF right there!) My other platform is close, but it's strange that I am unable to determine exactly how far it is. I could be there is a small hop in the form of an anticipated phone call offering me a job, while at the same time I feel like it may turn out to be a mirage... the harder I work toward it, it may get foggier and foggier.

For now, all I know is that i love my new macbook, have an itch to get started on my mounds of scrapbooking, and am enjoying the fact that I do have the opportunity to catch up on the top oscar nod'ded movies from the year. Hey- maybe that's what I'll do! After I get a few under my belt (or at least the elastic of my 'relaxin-it-out-mesh-shorts'), I will give my opinionation (thank you for the coinage 90's sitcom Blossom) of the films and acting and such. Yah- that's a plan.

Prepare thyself :-)

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