I used to pride myself on the ability to push large amounts of the goods that were comparable to dealers the DEA would be concerned about. I'd sell em by the armful with my eyes on the prize of a new patch to neighbor my beadwork and jazzercize accomplishments.
No longer living in my native Stark County, I've kind of lost connections to the girl scouts I'm aware of and therefore, my annual sugar addiction has not been fulfilled. What's interesting though, a couple months ago I had stopped in Dollar General to grab something and saw some cheesy, generic versions of the GS classics, Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Patties. Well, they were called "Mint Thins" and "Fudge Peanut Butter," but by the DG company keeping the appropriate cookie color codes on the box, there was no doubt. And for only 1.50 a box in comparison to the now inflated 3.50 a box for the original, I was game for a trial.
I had gotten a box of both, and really enjoyed them, but as GS cookie season approached and I was able to get some authentic goods, I knew right away a taste test was in order. I didn't want it to be JUST my opinion, and as difficult as it is for me to share the GS goodness, I recruited a few taste testers.
First, thin mints VS mint thins.
During a weekend home, I grabbed friends, Rachel and Yekat, equipped them with both the GS and DG version and let them have at it.
I asked the girls which cookie they preferred, and also which they believed to be the GS cookie. Rachel chose the GS cookie as her preferred bite, and also identified it as the GS cookie.
Yekat, after testing both options, also correctly identified the GS cookie and noted it as her favored choice as well.
Onto the peanut butter patties (now, tagalongs... bleh) VS. Fudge peanut butter
Unfortunately, Rach isn't the biggest fan of peanut butter, so at this sit down the pressure was all on Yekat.
Yekat moved onto tasting the peanut butter options (that is after finishing both her AND Rachel's thin mints) and was a lil more contemplative.
She talked back and forth about the cookies before putting her chips in the corner of cookie #2. Cookie #2 was what you ask? The girl scout version.
Seems as though test #1 clearly put the girl scout cookies on top.
The next day, I posed the same trial to my mom and sister. During this run, we saw some varied results. My mom who surely knows her girl scout cookies, easily identified the real from the store brand, although she seemed to almost lean to the DG mint thins, but not enough to change her allegiance.
My little sister on the other hand, after trying both cookies actually seemed to better enjoy the DG versions. Good news for her and 2 extra dollars in her pocket a box.
As for myself, I'll never be able to break ties with my love, thin mints. As for the peanut butter biscuits? I actually kind of favor the DG brand. They are a little thicker and have a lil extra PB.
A mindless debate or an essential comparion? You be the judge, just don't make a call til you trial it yourself!
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